Tap Head
A surreal comedy show about a tap and a stand up comedian.
Directed by Katy Maudlin, Tap Head explores the life of a lonely tap who works in a public toilet, a tap who also frequents open mic nights to test out his jokes. Spliced together with actual stand-up from non-tap Barnie Juancan, this show is a wonky meditation on plumbing, loneliness, and amateur comedy nights. A salad of physical comedy, stand-up and surreal theatre. Created in 2018.
The show was recently selected to be part of BATS theatre's Co-Pro season for 2021. We collaborated with AV designer Caiden Jacobson to add in projected animation over top of the tap scenes, which added a beautiful depth to the show, really grounding some parts that never felt quite... there. We played a ten night season to a near sold out house, receiving much praise. It really is a great show.
“a fun, unabashed performance that switches masterfully between joy and pathos - 4.5 stars”
Theatre People
“distinctive and beautifully absurd… Just the sort of boundary-nudging work that comedy festivals should be encouraging.”
“Witty as it is commanding, amusing as it is poignant; Barnie Duncan exquisitely takes comedy to a whole other level. Tap Head is not only out of the box, it is completely unmissable”
NZ Entertainment Podcast
Nominated for Best Comedy at the New Zealand International Comedy Festival, 2019